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Catedral Plaza de la Romanilla


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Alhambra Route

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09:30 - 19:30 (seasonal)
icon interval
30 - 45 min
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2 points of interest
Location: Calle Capuchinas, Granada

The Plaza de la Romanilla is one of the most centrally located urban spaces and is near the Granada cathedral. This plaza, known also as Plaza de las Palmeras due to the presence of palm trees, is next to the cathedral and the royal chapel. Isabella I of Castile ordered the cathedral of Granada built after the city was conquered in 1492. Inside the cathedral, in the Royal Chapel, you can visit the tomb of the Catholic Monarchs. The Royal Chapel has a single exterior wall, its other three sides being shared with the Cathedral, the Lonja de Mercaderes (marketplace) and the Sagrario (Sanctuary).
